The Liverpool High School Stadium and Track currently are being renovated as part of the Education 2020 Capital Project. Due to this work, the stadium and track are CLOSED until further notice and cannot be used by the community. Thank you for your understanding.
A Free and Reduced application will be sent home with every student on the first day of school. If you do not receive an application and would like one, they are available in each school office or call the Food Services Office at 622-7172.
The application is also available below. The Free & Reduced Lunch application includes two pages that must be printed, filled out and signed.
All applications are to be returned to your child's school or mailed to: Food Services, Liverpool Central School District, 195 Blackberry Road, Liverpool, NY 13090. They can also be faxed to 622-7113, attention Food Services.
To get free or reduced price meals for your child(ren) submit a Direct Certification letter received from the Department of Social Services, or carefully complete an application and return it to the school. If you now receive food stamps, AFDC, or ADC for any child(ren), or participate in FDPIR, the application must include the child(ren)'s names, the household food stamp AFDC, ADC or FDPIR number and the signature of an adult household member. All children with the same case number may be listed on the same application. Separate applications are required for children with different case numbers. If you do not list a food stamp/ AFDC / ADC / or FDPIR number for all the children for whom you are applying, the application must include the names of everyone in the household, the amount of income each household member received last month and where it comes from and the signature and social security number of an adult household member; write the word "none" if the adult does not have a social security number. An incomplete application cannot be approved.
Verification: The school may ask you at any time during the school year to verify your eligibility. You will be notified in writing if you have been selected for verification. School officials may ask you to send papers showing that your child should receive free or reduced price meals.