Many products require CE marking before they can be sold in the EU. CE marking indicates that a product has been assessed by the manufacturer and deemed to meet EU safety, health and environmental protection requirements. It is required for products manufactured anywhere in the world that are then marketed in the EU.
CE marking is only obligatory for products for which EU specifications exist and require the affixing of CE marking.
Some products are subject to several EU requirements at the same time. You must make sure that your product complies with all the relevant requirements before affixing the CE marking to it. It is forbidden to affix the CE marking to products for which EU specifications do not exist or do not require the affixing of CE marking.
As the product's manufacturer, you bear sole responsibility for declaring conformity with all requirements. You don't need a license to affix the CE marking to your product, however, before doing so, you must:
Once your product bears the CE marking — if the competent national authority requests — you must provide them with all the information and supporting documentation concerning CE marking.
You need to check if your product has to be tested by a notified body. You can find this information in the relevant legislation applicable to your product: check the rules by product category. This step is not obligatory for all products.
If you need to involve a notified body, the CE marking must be accompanied by the identification number of the notified body. The CE mark and the identification number can be affixed separately, as long as they appear clearly linked to each other.
You can use the Nando database to search for a notified body that can certify your product.
If your product doesn't need to be verified by an independent body, then it is up to you to check that it complies with the technical requirements. This includes estimating and documenting the possible risks when using your product.
Watch out for voluntary certificates!
If you need to involve a notified body, you can only put CE marking on your product if it has been tested and it passed the conformity assessment procedure from the EU harmonisation legislation. Unfortunately some certification bodies who are not notified bodies under EU law issue certificates in areas beyond their competence, and call them ”voluntary certificates”. Those certificates are issued without any product checks and are not covered by any legislation. Therefore, do not confuse them with conformity assessment certification by notified bodies within their area of competence. Also, it is not acceptable for voluntary certificates to bear a CE marking.
If you as a manufacturer carry out the conformity assessment yourself, you won't have to pay any fees. However, if you opt to use the services of a notified body, or if the EU specifications applicable to your product require the independent assessment by a notified body, then you must pay the notified body for the service they provide. The cost depends on which certification procedure that applies to your product and the complexity of the product etc.
The CE marking must be visible, legible and indelible.
The CE marking must consist of the initials "CE", both letters should have the same vertical dimension and be no smaller than 5mm (unless specified differently in the relevant product requirements).
If you wish to reduce or enlarge the CE marking on your product, you should respect the proportions of the two letters. As long as the initials remain visible, the CE marking can take different forms (for example colour, solid or hollow).
If the CE marking cannot be affixed to the product itself, you can affix it to the packaging if there is any, or to any accompanying documents. If your product is subject to several EU directives/regulations which require a CE marking to be affixed, the accompanying documents must indicate that your product conforms to all applicable EU directives/regulations.
You can download the CE marking image files from the DG GROW portal.
There is no period of validity for the CE marking. However, the EU Declaration of Conformity (DoC) that is required for the CE marking must be kept up to date. In case any of the elements of the DoC change, the version of the Declaration must be updated. Changes may be, for example, a modification of the legislation, in the product, or in the contact details of the manufacturer or authorised representative.
For imported products, the importer must ensure that the product is accompanied by the DoC and must keep a copy of it for 10 years after the product has been placed on the market.